Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Sciences M.Phil Programme Admission Notice for 2012-13

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Sciences
Dr. Ambedkar Nagar (Mhow)-453441, A.B. Road, Dongargoan, 
Phone (07324) 274377,273186, Fax (07324) 273645 

M.Phil Programme Admission Notice for 2012-13

Last Date: 25 May, 2012

For admission in the institute's one year M.Phil. Programme in Social Sciences for Total seats of 47 (40 Institutional, 02 under Dr. Ambedkar Chair with fellowship and 05 seats without fellowship to be filled in by sponsored candidates on merit basis) invites applications. 

For admission entrance test will be held on Sunday 10th June 2012 at Institute's Campus, Mhow, Barkatullah Vishwavidyalay, Bhopal, Dr. Ambedkar Mahavidyalay Diksha Bhumi, Nagpur. The entrance test will be held during 9.00 am to 12.00 noon followed by interview at 1.30 pm. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates appearing for interview will be paid 1ind class Rail fare/Bus fare after producing of tickets. 

ELIGIBILITY: A post-graduate degree in any subject from a recognized university under (acuities of Social Sciences, Education, Law, Women & Child Development in the Faculty of Home Sciences/and Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities, with a minimum of 55% marks, For SC/ST candidates should have passed with minimum of 50% marks. Ail documents Certificates regarding Educational Qualification should be attached with the application failing which the application will not be accepted. The candidates awarded JRF fellowship will be given priority. 

HOW TO APPLY: Desirous candidates may send their application on plain paper in the prescribed Performa given with the advertisement. It is essential to enclosed Demand Draft of Rs. 200/-, (for SC/ST Rs. 100/-) with application in favor of Registrar, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Nattonailnstftute of Social Sciences, payable at Mhow. The attested copies of all certificates and self addressed envelope of size 9x4 must be attached with the application. 

1. The application form can be down loaded from Institutes websites
2. The application can be sent through post on Institutes address or submitted personally.
3. The Institute reserves the final right of selecting centers for entrance test
4. The Madhya Pradesh Govt, reservation rules will be applicable for SC/ST and Women.


Format of Application

                                                                                                                              Photo self Attested
The Registrar 
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Sciences, 
Dr. Ambedkar Nagar (Mhow) Distt- Indore (M.P.J-453441 

Subject: Application for Admission in M.Phil Programme 2012-2013.

1. Name 2. Sex (Male/Female) 3. Father's Name 4. Mother's Name 5. Permanent Address 6. Postal Address 7. Contact Telephone No. (with STD code) 8. Whether belongs to SC/ST, OBC (yes/no) (If yes attach photocopy of certificate) 9. Whether domicile of Madhya Pradesh (yes/no) 10. Name of centre for written test Mhow/ Bhopal/Nagpur (tick any one) 11. Demand Draft No., Date, Bank, Amount. 12. Whether passed JRF fellowship exam (yes/no) (If yes attach photocopy of certificate) 13. Educational Qualification (attested copies of all certificate should by attached) Class, Year, Name of University, Subjects, % of Marks Obtained and Grade be mentioned.

I declare that the particulars mentioned above to the best of my knowledge are true.

Signature of Applicant

1,. Attach D.D. and two self addressed envelopes 9"x4".
2. It is compulsory to attach certificates of Educational Qualification.


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